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cook.run.friends.chill __________






Back in Time

August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
March 2009
April 2009


Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's been a long long week, finally time to rest today. Went back to school for BAOC'09, was good! Emotions, all came back, what we watched, performance, cheers, videos were so familiar. Recalled the times when SCOs worked so hard. Fulfilling, and i wouldn't mind doing it all over again. We talked, laughed, gossssiped till 11pm! So gonna have another gathering with them, an awesome bunch of people.

Dee was really nice to meet me after SMU's interview before heading to school. haha, im 99% sure im not gonna get a place in SMU. It was for School of Social Science, current affairs, social aspects, essays, argumentation, views... Phew~ its really so not me. I was asked to discuss 'Euthanasia' aka 'Mercy Killing'. I voiced my opinions, but i guess it was general and not in depth. Oh wells. I just found out, some argumentation to it. Luckily i wasn't nervous, but i just wasn't prepared and i cant imagine writing argumentative essays even if i get into FASS. well, ill prolly stick to Finance, get a degree in 2 years, get over and done with. At least it beats getting into a Local Uni, but not doing my interest. Pray that ill be able to find another person to study in Melbourne University with me!

Thinking about life after schooling. It's gonna come so quickly! Its working life in 3 4 yrs time! and add on another 4 5 yrs, its time to get married, another 2 yrs, baby. Become a parent.. and wow. Can't imagine, life is short, scary and unimaginable. (or rather, dont even wanna think about it) heh. Be prepared for tougher life ahead!

Euthanasia: The intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. (If death is not intended, it is not an act of euthanasia)

Arguments For Euthanasia:

Arguments Against Euthanasia:

Monday, March 23, 2009

hello blog. havent written in a long long while, went missing. heh. Time really flies. 3 years in ngee ann, its over. phew~ got my final results last week, wasn't fantastic, nothing to be happy about. cus i know, it isn't good enough to enter nus, ntu, smu. graduating gpa ; 3.485. minimum req to business is 3.49, which is smu's min. cop. nus 3.50, ntu 3.7. sigh. been pretty sad, discouraged, faithless, without confidence that local unis will accept me. and the thing im sad about is that, ill hafta go to melb for 2 3 yrs, if thats really the case. im sad that ill hafta leave my friends, family and joel. its really getting to me now that its coming so close, 3 months and ill be leaving. the happy thing is that, luckily xy and stella's going over too. hopefully we'll get into the same school, same course and stay near each other. im so gonna miss my dear friends, the ones so true and have always been there. few but are what i will call friends forever. haha cliche, but heartfelt. dont wanna leave, Lord, let me stay. but if it is your will, ill follow.. Mark 10, 11.

these are the ones who'll never leave, always there. (:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yay! the long weekday/weekends are here! no school on thurs & friday, whee (: today's cool. nothing bad happened, 9am tax tutorial and we had a tax quiz. (realised how weak i was, better start practicing for CT) common tests coming real soon, better buck up! maybe there'll be a 10% chance of getting into a local uni, into banking/business specifically. well, had lunch (bubble tea + chik hot plate noods) with jol & oli. headed home for a 3 hour nap before busing back to school for training. today, we ran ran ran ran ran, and nothing else. daniel's plan was 2 rounds warm-up, and then a long run at rifle range road. its a really good place to run, very light traffic, breezy, long straight road where we see no end. hah. but my mind failed me again, i stopped at the upslopes! hahahaha, gotta push. had dinner with a few of them at bukit timah mkt. funny lance & markus with the cheena slang & usual nonsensical jokes. a great bunch of sailors (: Club AGM's next wednesday, its time to pass the baton. Hope they'll do a great job, better than what we've done (: whoooppeee! meeting boyf tmrw, jol & mahjong gang on friday (:

*Life isnt all that tough, think simple....

Monday, November 17, 2008

school was exceptionally long and dready today. quite a fulfilling day, we worked on our project. but! i missed jeffrey wu's class at 9am, overslept ): we had some financial talk after project (supposedly compulsory). heh. came home, met joel for a run. was not bad, those horrid stitches didnt come. prolly cus i didnt had much to eat the whole day. ive gotta work on my mentality more though, if not... hohoho! stanchart's no joke! its gonna be a happy week! ive got no school from thursday till sunday! yippeeeyaaayoooo! :D

yesterday was funny. churched, then met jol to shop. had lunch at dhoby, headed to bugis to get some stuff. everything's just funny, cant stand the look on her blur face. lol. makes me laugh, till my mouth gets tired so quickly.. oh! we had dinner at some Hip Diner USA and we picked lucky draw coupons. Guess what? she got a free $5.50 milkshake, ive got a $28 Voucher! ((((:

Hmmmm............. $28-$5.50=$22.50 (laughs out louuuudddd!)

anyhows, i wanna share this lovely song, Olivia's version. But i didnt have the embedded coding, so look up the url yourself.. here's Dan Hill's original version (:

Olivia's --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEoEyHNhXmc&NR=1
Dan Hill's

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Standard Chartered in 19 Days! KILLLLL MEEEE!! start moving yr fat ass, crystal!

this week's another eventful one. heh. ive been pretty busy the whole week, been going out catching up with friends. jolene, dee and ppl from ba society.. haha, a pretty enjoyable week. shopping with jol, high school musical with dee, caiquan's birthday celebration with society, short meetup with wenjin & carmen, teochew porridge with joel. packed week, time well spent. butttt, i neglected my schoolwork. and yay! no school on thursday & friday. aweeesome (: maybe one day for mahjong? anyhows, high school musical's sweeeet! it was my first, but really good. but its still a fiction, a tale.. everything's kinda perfect in the show, if only life could turn out that way (: hopefully, itll be a better week ahead. im getting lazy to blog nowadays. HEE ;D

Friday, November 7, 2008

So much im missing now...

i miss ba society
i miss the times we played, laughed and talked crap
i miss wenjin & carmen
i miss all the fun times we had working our guts out all day & night
i miss vanessa loh and lost friend
i miss lunching with jol already!
i miss netball
i miss sailing (cus i cant sail, too many juniors)
i miss soaking in the pool
i miss childhood days when everything was pure, innocent & no one plays politics

i love my friends who are so true
i love cooking dishes with joel
i love chit chatting with dee over coffee at TCC
i love yakking nonsense with wenjin & heartfelt talks
i love carmen's naughty tricks played on wj
i love my family esp my granny
i love school without mean ppl
i love haagen daz

i wanna join Amazing Race Asia
i wanna relive society days
i wanna meet all the scos, ascos, mcs
i wanna learn dance
i wanna bring Sailing Club to greater heights
i wanna get fit and not be lazy
i wanna chill with my friends over coffee, cakes & ice cream
i wanna do well in school and not be laughed at
i wanna be happy everyday
i wanna do devotions everyday
i wanna get right with God (:

:) Happiness is yours to decide..

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Its a good day today :) Simple, yet time was well spent. Churched. Went for Sunday school today and service after that. Headed to Dempsey for Margaritas with Joel & his parents & my cutest sister ever. Ive been wanting to give them a treat cus jo's parents always brought me out for food :) real good food :) haha. We ate so much, was even too full for dinner! heeeee.

Anws, ive reaally gotta learn to place my priorities right and know whats important in life. Ive been telling myself to be more fervent in prayer and to love God more. But i guess im falling away, and its a really bad thing. Im depending more on myself instead of putting all my trust, burdens, problems on Christ. Probably thats why im getting more irritated/agitated/attitudey nowadays. Horrible me. i need a serious wake up call.

Anyhows, school's getting real busy. Projects which i know-not-how to work on and i really hope this last semester in school would be a fulfilling one. Slack no further about my tutorials,projects,lectures and do my best for the Sailing Club.

All in all, i really thank God for my life. God is in control in everything i do, He has his plans for me and everyday is a testing, of how good a person can make out of every single day. Sinning or Following His Word & Commandments? To be of a character worthy to be called a Son of God or a Sinner who curse/gossip/talk bad? Your Choice. Just some reflection. heh. Anyhows, though i do face upsetting times, still.. the Lord delivers me out of every situation through His way. Im just amazed how life can be so smooth for me, with everything set in place. I guess ive been taking some things for granted many a times, e.g. not spending enough time with my Family (esp granny). Prolly, when i just put all aside and think back upon my life, i might earn something outta it. (Character-revamping needs to be done immediately!)

Celine Dion - To love you more
something sweet, soothing...
