Monday, September 29, 2008
Its a brighter day today, and im feeling better. The past few days since i got back from Vietnam was rather hectic. Been through really low times.. but well, im glad all that's gone. & im thankful for those who's cared so much for me. Those who play a BIG role in my life (:
Anyhows, i got back from IBSM Vietnam for bout 5 days alrdy? Well, the trip wassss.......... alright i guess. But shopping was Amazingly Awesome. haha.Before the trip, i told all my friends who were contemplating how much to change. Told them, theres surely nothing for you to buy over there, Sg's a better place to shop. & i was sure that i was just gonna buy coffee home. And guess what only 2 days of shopping, spent $400. But i told myself, no more shopping back in SG. The things were really cheap and affordable, except for the bags i bought :( From a 15kg luggage to a 24kg luggage. 9kg of bags, clothing, accessories, coffee powder. But most of it were gifts for my friends and family :) Other than that, the trip was really a study mission. Tiring, company visits day after day, tons of Q&As and late nights... But im happy ive got a module less of lectures and tutorials. Whoohoo!
Oh, something exciting this week. I learnt mahjong! Real funnn. lol. gonna play with Ms Jol and 2 other funny exclassmates. Alright, here's some pictures of my trip and my week. :)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Feeling so choked up, right here, right now. My mind feels so squished. Went through quite an ordeal this week.. with long tiring workshops, moving/staying btwn dover & hillview, busy preparations for viet, some friendship problem... but well, i know i have to learn to deal with all these.. be strong and live life well, like ive always did. But, somehow, i feel that whenever my life isnt on track with Christ.. my life will just seem to go wayward. Just not as smooth as life has always been for me when my faith was stronger, love for Christ was deeper, prayers were more sincere, when i would share my day with Christ.
i need you O Lord, take me through this weary point in my life.. take my hand, bring me back up where i started to fall. I wanna put You 1st in my life. Let these words not only be a saying, but a will in my heart. I need You, O Lord.
Well... my day was good here and there. Maybe just the last part of the day spoilt it all.. guess i was too tired from the whole day of rushing to get my viet stuff. grr.. dont wanna go /: Oh well. Had lunch with James & Joel at Kim Gary's hk cafe after church. Had a funny time lunching, with james nonsensical jokes. but seriously, still dont knw why he keeps laughing at me thinking im slow. Hello james, im much more alert now! After that, met my very very good friend. Feels like she'll be there for me whenever i need her. haha (: She called me out the night before, wanting to meet me to get my stuff for viet.. so many things not settled yet. Shoes, Bag, Formal tops, Berms. She didnt even had her lunch before meeting me, yeah. so she had upsized fried mars bar. walked around for hours getting my stuff and all.. till both of us had a headache squeezing through the crowd. Grr, sucks. Had some heartfelt talk over belgain choc latte and ice blended vanilla. Oh! she even taught me how to play mahjong.. cool ay? But sadly, couldnt have dinner tog cus i forgot i had a mooncake festival party at home! Owe you a nice dinner treat babe! anws, i really felt better today with yr company!
Thats all i have today, nights.

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wasn't in the mood to blog the past few days. Have been pretty busy in school lately, pre-vietnam trip 5 day workshop, 9-5. grr, flying off for my 10 days vietnam study mission on tuesday. Haven't got everything ready and prepared yet. Honestly, i dont wanna go! Formal wear everyday :( but thinking about 1 module lesser next sem brings a smile to my face (: no lectures and tutorials. so ive got only 4 modules! haha. my project group's really smart too, 3 outta 6 are top scorers in the cohorde. haha, cream of the crop. sadly, im not one of them. hah.
Well, life hasn't been exactly great. Experienced some ups & downs, confusions, problems....
hopefully it'll be a better weekend to come..
*needa get my life back on track with Christ. havent done my devotions in a long long time :(
Monday, September 1, 2008
Sailing camp just ended. The relatively hardwork paid off, im thankful for the com members who are there to support each other. Juniors were really enthusiastic, hyper, fun-filled. i see the potential in them! haha, yay (: hopefully the club's legacy will continue.. well, after camp, ive been sleeping soooo much, too much. I take like 3, 4 hrs nap 3, 4 times a day!
Crystal's getting lazy..................... so, here are the pictures!

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